Discussion Papers
SSE-DP-2024-4「On SarSIML (A Seasonal Adjustment Method)」Seisho Sato and Naoto Kunitomo
We explain a new seasonal adjustment program called SarSIML (or S-SIML). It is based on the (real-valued) spectral decomposition of non-stationary time series, which is an application of the SIML filtering method developed by Kunitomo and Sato (The SIML Filtering Method for Noisy Non-stationary Economic Time Series, 2024, JSS-Springer Series , Springer, forthcoming).
SSE-DP-2024-5「Forward and Backward Smoothing for Noisy Nonstationary Time Series with an Application of Detecting Recent Change Points」, Seisho Sato and Naoto Kunitomo
We propose a novel smoothing (or filtering) approach for time series analysis to estimate the hidden states of random variables and handle noisy, nonstationary time series data. The method is applicable even when the sample size is small, as is often the case with major macroeconomic time series data. Our approach is based on the frequency decomposition of nonstationary time series, and we address the smoothing and filtering challenges specific to such data. In particular, we introduce two methods: forward and backward SIML smoothing, designed to resolve the initial value problem in nonstationary time series analysis. The proposed smoothing methods offer interpretations in both the time and frequency domains. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we provide an illustrative empirical example using U.S. manufacturers’ new order data and apply the filtering method to the problem of detecting recent breaks in macroeconomic consumption trends.
SSE-DP-2023-1「日本の公的統計と季節調整 - X-13ARIMA-SEATS と労働力調査を題材に -」 国友 直人 (編)(統計数理研究所)
SSE-DP-2023-2 "Frequency Regression and Smoothing for Noisy Nonstationary Multivariate Time Series", N. Kunitomo, S. Sato
We develop a new method called frequency regression and smoothing (or the SIML-frequency method) based on the nonstationary errors-in-variables model. It is developed for estimating the relationships among hidden states of random variables and handling noisy nonstationary small sample time series economic data in comparison with data in engineering fields and natural sciences. Many economic time series include not only trend, cycle, seasonal, and measurement error components, but also factors such as abrupt changes, trading-day effects, and institutional changes. The frequency regression and smoothing method can be applied to handle such factors in nonstationary time series. The proposed method is simple and applicable for analyzing nonstationary economic time series and handling seasonal adjustments. Our formulation leads to the asymptotic results on the low frequency method proposed by Muller and Watson (2018) as a consequence. An illustrative empirical analysis of the macro-consumption in Japan is provided.
SSE-DP-2023-3 「統計的学習(講義スライド) - Statistical Learning -」国友 直人、趙 宇、湯浅 良太(訳)、Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani (原著)
2023年5月 国友 直人(日本語版・作成者代表 統計数理研究所)
SSE-DP-2023-4 "An Asymptotically Optimal Two-Sample IV Estimation with Many Instruments", N. Kunitomo and R. Yuasa
※ 2024/12/29 にSpringer社 JJSD(online in Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science) に改訂版が掲載 https://rdcu.be/d5bhL
We consider the statistical estimation of the coefficients of a linear structural equation in a simultaneous equation system when we use two-sample data and there are many instrumental variables. We derive some asymptotic properties of the Two-Sample Least Variance Ratio (2SLVR) estimator, which is an extension of the limited information maximum likelihood (LIML) estimator in one-sample, when we have two-sample data with many instrumental variables. It has been known that there is a non-negligible bias in the one-sample two stage least squares (TSLS) estimator and the generalized moment method (GMM), which are widely used in practice. They often lose even consistency when we have many instruments. We have found that the variance-covariance matrix of the limiting distribution of the 2SLVR estimator and its modifications often attain the asymptotic lower bound when the number of instruments is large and the disturbance terms are not necessarily normally distributed. The results would be useful for applications in econometrics and biometrics including Mendelian Randomization (RM) using DNA data analysis.
SSE-DP-2023-5 「2種類の陽性に対するグループテストのためのBPとMCMCのhybridアルゴリズム」松島 裕康、田島 友祐、盧 暁南、神保 雅一
Testing n objectives one by one requires n tests, but the number of defective objective is often small. When multiple objectives can be tested of a pool, if the test result is negative, it can be determined that all objectives in its pool are negative at one time. Or, if the test result for that pool is positive, at least one or more of the objectives in that pool is positive. Thus, testing each pool that made by combining multiple objectives is called group testing. Using a group test, the posterior probability that each specimen is defective can be calculated from the test results of a much smaller number of pools than the total number of objectives. However, when making a positive/negative determination, the probability of false positives/false negatives in each test must be considered. Therefore, for this purpose, algorithms such as Belief Propagation (BP) and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) are employed.
In this report, we develop and evaluate BP and MCMC algorithms for a combinatorial group test design that reduces the number of tests when there are two types of defectives.
SSE-DP-2022-1「オッズ比の平方根変換」 岩崎 学(統計数理研究所/順天堂大学大学院)
最近,オッズ比の平方根がリスク比に近似するという論文が出た(VanderWeele, 2017, 2020).
第1 節で確率,オッズ,リスク比,オッズ比の定義を確認し,
第2 節でオッズ比とリスク比の関係を示す.
第3 節では,オッズ比の平方根変換とその簡単な性質,および信頼区間の被覆確率について述べ,
第4 節ではシミュレーションの手順とその結果を示す.
最後の第5 節で簡単なまとめを行う.
参考のため,付録にVanderWeele (2017) と関連論文であるBland and Altman (2000) の邦訳を示す. -
SSE-DP-2022-2「ワクチンの有効率と有効者率」 岩崎 学(統計数理研究所/順天堂大学大学院)
そこで本論では,ワクチンの有効率に加え,有効者率なるものを定義し,それらを統計的因果推論の潜在的アウトカムの観点から考察する.有効率と有効者率の定義およびそれらの違いを示し,公表されている新型コロナワクチンの臨床試験のデータに適用する.また,ワクチンの有効率と称されるいくつかの研究レポートの解釈上の問題点にも言及する. -
SSE-DP-2022-3「操作変数法の理解へ:計量生物と計量経済の邂逅」 国友 直人(統計数理研究所)
因果関係(causality) は統計科学を含め諸科学にとっては基本的かつ重要な分析対象である。計量生物と計量経済の分野ではこの間、統計的因果推論(statistical causal inference) が盛んに応用されている。
本稿ではまずRu-bin (1974) に始まる反実仮想(counter-factual) モデルとAngrist, Imbens and Rubin (1996, 略してAIR) による操作変数法(instrumental variables method) を説明する。
次に計量経済学における同時方程式と構造方程式(structural equation) を簡単な需要関数の例を用いて説明する。一般の構造方程式を用いて統計的因果関係を解釈し、操作変数法を含めた構造方程式の統計的推定法を議論する。構造方程式の推定ではOLS法(最小二乗法)は一致性を持たないので、操作変数法(IV法) としてのWald法、LIML(制限情報最尤法, 分散比最小法)、TSLS(2段階最小二乗法)、GMM(一般化積率法) などの長所と短所を説明する。さらに構造方程式を巡る歴史的展開を説明し、最後に計量生物と計量経済などにおける統計的因果分析のさらなる課題を展望する。 -
SSE-DP-2022-4 “A Statistical Data Envelopment Analysis”, N. Kunitomo, Y. Zhao
In operations research and management sciences, the data envelopment analy-sis (DEA) has been known as one of important tools. We develop a statistical data envelopment analysis (SDEA), which seems to be new to operations re-search literatures as well as statistical community. We first consider the basic statistical DEA model, in which the observed data is the sum of an increasing concave function of inputs and a random noise (or inefficiency) term taking only non-positive value. The purpose of data analysis is to estimate the un-known function, called the efficiency frontier, nonparametrically based on the set of observed data of inputs and outputs. The key idea is to use the non-parametric statistical analysis, the linear regression analysis and the statistical extreme value theory. We report an empirical analysis on the life-insurance industry in Japan as an application.